måndag 19 mars 2012

söndag 18 mars 2012

New page and update

New page with equipment for commandos
and new update in the equipment department.

Respirator and Frogs, for frogs scroll down to the bayonets.

torsdag 8 mars 2012

New Equipment

New update by Jan Brouwer member of the 21st IPC Holland in the
equipment department.

Browning Holster and ammo pounch
Jan Brouwer


söndag 4 mars 2012

Denison Smock

Wednesday, February 29, I got my Denison Smock by Frank Brown.
Very impressive job he has done on the Smock. Camouflage is hand painted.
It is not far from an original. Can highly recommend his Denison Smock.

If you want to contact him, his web site is under
Traders and Associations.

Here are som pictures of it.

Denison Smock

Denison Smock

Denison Smock

lördag 3 mars 2012

Fairbairn Sykes Fighting knife

New update by Jan Brouwer member of the 21st IPC Holland in the
equipment department.
Nice pics of Fairbairn Sykes Fighting knifes.