British World War Two Manuals
Field Service Pocket Book |
Field Service Pocket Book |
Field Service Pocket Book |
Field Service Pocket Book |
DO´s and DONT´s |
Nice little folder how to write down messageone recivedand how tosend them.
Among other things are there phonetic alphabet and how one addressing different
staff by code when using radio, phone (WS)
Mines and Booby Traps |
This pamphlet deals how to assemble, dismantle and disarm mines.
Rank Badges |
This undated wartime pamphlet. Published and printed on paper constrained by
the wartime restrictions. It is a nice reference guide. Obviousley published during the
height of the war. The last entry for the US army is the 93rd Division formed in 1942.
The book is not a complete reference guied to all units participating in the
Seconed World War.
US Rank Badges |
Holland Rank Badges |
Czechoslovakia Rank Badges |
Regimental Artillery |
This pamphlet deals only whit those aspects of the employment of artillery that are
pratcular to a combined landing operation.
Assult Brigade Planning |
This pamphlet deals how to load landing crafts whit personnel, vehicles and equipment
come ashore at the correct time and place.
Landing Ships Infantry |
This pamphlet is intended to show the organisation required in a landing ship infantry
to accommodate and land an assult battalion.
Mortar 3 inch |
This pamphlet deals with the 3 inch mortar. How to load it on a carrier or
a 15-cwt truck. Operat it with telephone control.
Assault Crossing |
This pamphlet deals with various ways of getting across water obstacles by
using different assault crossing equipment.
Assault Crossing |
Field Engineering. |
This book deals with how to build entrenchments, fortify houses, road blocks,
how to place minefields and how to get over water obstacles.
Shoot to Live 1942ed. |
"Shooting to Live" with the one hand gun.
By Capt W.E Fairbairn and Capt E.A Sykes. Based on the pairs experience
in the Shanghai Municipal Police in the 1930s. They wrote this 96 page book
describing combat pistol techniques. This work was influential in the way
practicularly special forces were taught to shoot. Predecessor for how to
handling revolvers and automatic pistols in the 2000's.
Shoot to Live. |
R.A.M.C Traning Pamphlet No.2. |
Pamphlet addresses the administration of the medical services.
First aid location point at the front to you are back at the
hospital in England.
R.A.M.C Training Pamphlet No.3 |
Deals with field surgery and how to dressing different types of injuries.
Shoot to Kill. |
How to use its weapon in conjunction with ones agility and dexterity.
Map Reading Pamphlet. |
Advanced map reading and how to use a compass.
Contains a map to practice on.
Enfield parts Pamphlet. |
Mines and Booby Traps. |
Nicely illustrated manual on how to proceed with the different types of
German mines.
Booby Traps Manual. |
Attack & Deffence Manual. |
Attack & Deffence Manual. |
Physical Training Manuals. |
Physical Training Manuals. |
Small Arms Manuals.
Weapon and Fire. |
Small Arms Manuals.
Rifle and Light Machine Gun. |
Small Arms Manuals.
Anti-Air and Mortar 2 inch. |
Small Arms Manuals.
Range-Finder and .38 inch. |
Small Arms Manuals.
Range-Finder and .38 inch. |
Small Arms Manuals.
Bayonet and Grenade. |
Small Arms Manuals.
Sten gun and PIAT. |
Officer Manuals. |
First Aid & Medical Manuals. |