Author: Jan Brouwer
Pictures: Jan Brower
Pictures: Jan Brower
XXI Independent Parachute (Pathfinder) Company
during operation Market Garden
Oosterbeek September 1944
In June 1942 major Lander was granted permission by general Boy Browning (CB, DSO)
to raise an independent pathfinder unit. This unit became the XXI Independent Parachute
Company. The unit to be was stationed at Larkhill on Salisbury Plain near the
pre-historical monument Stonehenge . Its task was to land by parachute ahead of the
main force and mark the drop and landing zones (DZ/LZ) using Eureka beacons,
coloured panels, and smoke pots. The unit then was supposed to clear en defend the
DZ’s and LZ’s. The full company existed of 3 platoons and headquarters and numbered
six months of 1943 members were selected and trained for the unit. The unit-members had
to maintain a very high standard and had to endure a strict selection and very tough training.
The unit contained quite a large number of Jewish Germans and Austrians[2] that had fled
the mainland to escape nazi terror. They served under new English identities.
From May 1943 until December 1943 the company was deployed in North-Africa , Sicily
and Italy . Its founder, major Lander, was killed in action on Sicily . In succession his second
in command, Captain (later Major) “boy” Wilson(MC) became the CO of the company.
The company returns to Great-Britain in January 1944. From January until September 1944
it gets replacements for those killed, wounded or captured. It is a period of renewed and
intensive training. On September 11th 1944 operation “Comet” is cancelled. The company
remains on stand-by. On September 16th they are briefed for operation “Market Garden”.
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Pair of Fairbairn Sykes knives to commemorate XXI Parachute Company. |
[1] Including attached personnel nearly 200 went to Arnhem
[2] “the King’s own enemy aliens”
Assigned objectives for operation Market Garden:
The three platoons had the task of marking and if necessary defending the landing and drop zones
(see map LZ L and LZ XZ).
- Landing zone “Z” south of the railroad Utrecht-Arnhem, between Heelsum and Wolfheze (eastern part of this area);
- Landing zone “S” north of the railroad Utrecht-Arnhem, north of Wolfheze
- Landing zone “L” (later to be supply drop zone) north of the railroad Utrecht-Arnhem, between Johanna-hoeve and Wolfheze (nowadays sport centre Papendal);
- Drop zone “Y” Ginkel Heath, east of Ede ;
- Supply drop zone “V” north-west of Arnhem [1];
- Drop zone “K” south of Arnhem , East of Elden (Polish Para Brigade)[2].
After the accomplishment of their assigned tasks and objectives the company would be
available to headquarters 1st Airborne Division. They could be deployed to defend the HQ
or as “trouble shooters” reserve.
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Pair of Fairbairn Sykes knives to commemorate XXI Parachute Company. |
[1] Due to the Germans blocking the Airbornes, this DZ was never occupied by the Airborne troops
[2] Idem, this DZ was later relocated to Driel and could not be marked by the Pathfinders
Sunday september 17th 1944, the first day
During the first day of the landings only the drop and landing zones X, Z and S were
being used.The 21st IPC took off from Fairford Airfield at 10:25. They were being
transportedin 12 Short Stirling bombers. These were adapted for use by parachutists by a
square hole in thebomber floor at the rear of the fuselage. It was the first time members of
the 21st jumped from this type of aircraft. At Arnhem they were the only parachutists that
jumped from Short Stirlings.
At 12:40 it was “green on” en some seconds later the Pathfinders jumped from the planes
over their assigned DZ’s.Shortly after their drop the Pathfinders reached their objectives
and immedialtely started securing and marking the areas. At 13.00 the gliders of the
1st Airlanding Brigade came in sight. In the companys war diary the following was recorded:
“The journey (from Fairford to the DZs) was almost uneventful, with the exception of a
little light flak fired at one aircraft of no 1 platoon. 13.00 platoons were most accurately
dropped in correct places and what little opposition there was, was quickly overcome.”
1st platoon, dropzone X
First platoons task was to mark drop zone X. This was done by laying out cloth panels in
the shape of the letter X (for the drop zone) and the letter T (for wind direction). Apart from
From available aerial photographs (see previous picture) it is known that the panels for
drop zone X were placed in a field west of the Telefoonweg at Renkum across the road at
the farm “de Sinderhoeve”. Other markings were placed in a field north east of the farm
“Klein Amerika”. (see map LZ XZ).
This drop zone was meant for the landing of the parachutists of units of the
1st Parachute Brigade.
2nd platoon landing zone Z
The second platoon had to mark landing zone Z. This zone was situated parallel to and
east of landing zone X. This zone too was marked with coloured panels but this time using
the letterZ and a T, as well as a Eureka beacon en smoke pots.These smoke pots were
lighted very shortly before the landing or dropping of the main force. Pilots could see the
smoke drifting away and assess direction and strength of the wind.The “Z” was laid in a
field south of the farm “de Boschhoeve” and east of the farmhouse “Jonkershoeve”.
See map LZ XZ.
The landing zone was for the gliders of the first Air Landing Brigade as well as the
reconnaissance squadron and general Urquhart and his HQ. A total of 123 Horsa gliders
were meant to land here the first day.
3rd platoon and HQ landingzone´s
Third platoon was destined to mark landing zone S. The parachutists had a very splendid
and quit jump. They landed a short distance south-west of the farmhouse |”Reijers Camp”.
The S marks were positioned in a field north-east of the same farmhouse. See map LZ XZ.
This terrain was used for the landing of the 1st Airlanding Brigade in their gliders.
Also landed here were the jeeps of the reconnaissance squadron with which they were
supposed to race to the bridge at Arnhem . Finally major-general Urquhart (CB, DSO) and
his staff were landed here as well as several gliders with all kinds of loads for several units.
The units war diary records:
“The landings were effected without opposition and all the gliders reported they had
no difficulty in seeing the markings of the correct areas.13.45 hrs The 1st Parachute
Brigade were dropped on DZ ”X”. The drop was accurate and battalions were well
together. So far the enemy has made no serious attempt to interfere with the landings.
During the course of the afternoon some enemy opposition was encountered but the
DZ and LZs were kept clear.”
To report the successful landings two carrier pigeons with a short message were released.
His pigeons refused to do their job and comfortably remained seated on the roof of the
building. By throwing several pebbles they were encouraged to bring their messages to
Company Headquarters established itself in and around the “Reijerskamp” farm on
landingzone “S”. During the next days, from here, the Pathfinders were supposed to mark
several LZs and DZs for the droppings and landings of the upcoming days.After the landings
were finished and the landing grounds were deserted, the company gathered at Reijerscamp
HQ. All platoons dug in for the night around the farm. The war diary records a quite night.
End of the first day
For the 21st Independent Parachute (Pathfinder) company, the first day had passed
quit successful. The operation on day one had passed like an exercise. Within a couple
of hours the company had completed it’s objectives, made 16 prisoners and had found a
horse and cart and captured a German staff car. Unfortunately there was one casualty KIA.
Corporal James Arthur Jones got accidentally shot in the head, shortly after the landings,
whileclearing the landing zones from left equipment and weapons. He probably was the first
casualty of the 1st Airborne division during operation “Market Garden”.
monday september 18th 1944, the second day
During the second day the Pathfinders again had to mark some landing and drop zones
for theparas and gliders of the second lift. In the early morning hours they started off from
“Reijerskamp” where they had been dug in during the night.All platoons met with stiff
enemy resistance and had tojoin in the fighting to drive the enemy from the different zones
and place their marking equipment.
1st platoon, landing zone L now sports centre Papendal
The first re-supply drop on this drop zone was expected at about 10.00 uur a.m.
(see map LZ L). It involved 86 tons of goods, mainly ammunition en fuel. Due to bad
weather in the UK the aircraft were seriously delayed. Around midday some enemy
aircraft flew over the landing zone. They turned round from the east and strafed the platoon
which was outin the middle of the fields. There were no casualties but a Eureka beacon at
thecentre of the zone was nearly hit. Finally at 15.30 hrs the hum of the supply-aircraft was
heard. As soon as theygot in sight a hail of Flak[2] and machine gunfire was fired at the
planes. Nevertheless soon it was raining large amounts of supply containers and baskets,
accurately guided in by theEureka beacons and markings on the ground. Units of the Royal
Army Service Corps took their jeeps and trailers to get the supplies from the fields. Because
of the enemy activity the terrain wasn’t firmly in British hands and there was a lot of German
activity. The service Corps chaps nevertheless managed to secure 12 tons of supplies.
planes. Nevertheless soon it was raining large amounts of supply containers and baskets,
accurately guided in by the
Army Service Corps took their jeeps and trailers to get the supplies from the fields. Because
of the enemy activity the terrain wasn’t firmly in British hands and there was a lot of German
activity. The service Corps chaps nevertheless managed to secure 12 tons of supplies.
2nd platoon, landingzone X western part between Heelsum and Wolfheze
On this landing zone the Pathfinders were also strafed by a group of German ME 109
fighter-planes. As the gliders came in they were fired upon by a group of Germans at the
south side of the landing zone. These Germans had slipped through the positions of units of
the Border regiment which was to defend the southern and western side of the landing zone.
Despite the German presence the remainder of the 1st Air-landing brigade and several other
units landed comparatively safe. For the pilots, the landing terrain was very easy to recognise
from the air. There were the markings of the Pathfinders and it was littered with gliders and
parachutes from the previous day. One of the gliders that landed on landing zone X was
loaded for the 21st Independent Company itself. The glider, with chalk number 900,
contained the vehicles of the company, amongst which the company jeep, and the driver
of HQ platoon, Corporal “Jock” Duncan Moir.
fighter-planes. As the gliders came in they were fired upon by a group of Germans at the
south side of the landing zone. These Germans had slipped through the positions of units of
the Border regiment which was to defend the southern and western side of the landing zone.
Despite the German presence the remainder of the 1st Air-landing brigade and several other
units landed comparatively safe. For the pilots, the landing terrain was very easy to recognise
from the air. There were the markings of the Pathfinders and it was littered with gliders and
parachutes from the previous day. One of the gliders that landed on landing zone X was
loaded for the 21st Independent Company itself. The glider, with chalk number 900,
contained the vehicles of the company, amongst which the company jeep, and the driver
of HQ platoon, Corporal “Jock” Duncan Moir.
3rd platoon, drop zone y Ginkel heath east of Ede
On this drop zone about 4 miles to the west the parachutists of 4 Parachute Brigade came
in. Apart from the Pathfinders of the 21st units of the 7th Kings Own Scottish Borderers
were present. Their job was to hold and defend the drop zone. Due to German presence at
the east and north side of the heath the marking panels had to be laid on the south side of the
drop zone (near to where now the A12 motorway runs). At 15:09 the first paras jumped.
The entire dropping lasted for only 9 minutes. The jump of 4 Para Brigade was made under
heavy enemy fire while a strong wind was blowing. Some men landed in the trees but were
able to free themselves. Some 1.900 men jumped that afternoon.
in. Apart from the Pathfinders of the 21st units of the 7th Kings Own Scottish Borderers
were present. Their job was to hold and defend the drop zone. Due to German presence at
the east and north side of the heath the marking panels had to be laid on the south side of the
drop zone (near to where now the A12 motorway runs). At 15:09 the first paras jumped.
The entire dropping lasted for only 9 minutes. The jump of 4 Para Brigade was made under
heavy enemy fire while a strong wind was blowing. Some men landed in the trees but were
able to free themselves. Some 1.900 men jumped that afternoon.
HQ landing zone s north of railroad, north of Wolfheze
This zone, lying around the “Reijerskamp” farm was marked by members of HQ for the
landing of gliders which were due that day. These 69 Horsa gliders landed safely despite the
gliders that were already lying about the landing zone form the previous day.
End of the second day
The second day of the operation had passed a lot more hectic than the first day. After
the landings and the assisting in the defence of the drop and landing zones the21 st
Company assembled at “Reijerskamp” farm around 18.00 hrs. At 19.00 hrs the
company started its move to the area near the Oosterbeek Hoog station where
Dreijenseweg and Stationsweg link up. This move passed off without any encounters with
the enemy. The heavier equipment was transported on the horse and cart that were
commandeered the day before. After a slow and difficult journey in the pitch dark evening
the new position was reached at about 23.00 hrs. The cold and uncomfortable night was
spent on the terrain around a large house called “de Paulastiching/Dreijerheide”, south of the
railway between “van Rechterenweg” and “Parallelweg/Nico Bovenweg”. HQ was situated
inside the house. During the night, the 21st came under heavy machinegun fire from the
northside of the Railroad. Apart from that the war diary records no details and speaks of
a quite night.
the landings and the assisting in the defence of the drop and landing zones the
Company assembled at “Reijerskamp” farm around 18.00 hrs. At 19.00 hrs the
company started its move to the area near the Oosterbeek Hoog station where
Dreijenseweg and Stationsweg link up. This move passed off without any encounters with
the enemy. The heavier equipment was transported on the horse and cart that were
commandeered the day before. After a slow and difficult journey in the pitch dark evening
the new position was reached at about 23.00 hrs. The cold and uncomfortable night was
spent on the terrain around a large house called “de Paulastiching/Dreijerheide”, south of the
railway between “van Rechterenweg” and “Parallelweg/Nico Bovenweg”. HQ was situated
inside the house. During the night, the 21st came under heavy machinegun fire from the
northside of the Railroad. Apart from that the war diary records no details and speaks of
a quite night.
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House Dreijerheide |
Tuesday September 19th 1944, the third day
Again the 21st Pathfinders had the task of marking landing zones. First this concerned
landing zone L where the gliders bringing the heavy equipment, such as jeeps, motorcycles
and 6 pounder anti-tankguns of the 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade, were to land.
The second marking task was for the drop zone “V”. This terrain was chosen to drop
supplies. As most of the landed troops the Pathfinders were not informed about the
development of the battle, which already was going the wrong way because of stiff
German resistance.
landing zone L where the gliders bringing the heavy equipment, such as jeeps, motorcycles
and 6 pounder anti-tankguns of the 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade, were to land.
The second marking task was for the drop zone “V”. This terrain was chosen to drop
supplies. As most of the landed troops the Pathfinders were not informed about the
development of the battle, which already was going the wrong way because of stiff
German resistance.
1st platoon, landingzone L now sportscentre Papendal
In the morning the 1st platoon started its move to the landing zone “L” to mark it for the
arrival of the gliders of the Polish Brigade. Because of the increasing German activity
they had to leapfrog section wise from cover to cover through the woods alongside the
railway. The trip through 1 ½ mile of no-man’s land went slowly; before each move a
thorough reconnaissance was necessary. To get to their objective the group used the
culvert under the railroad embankment near Wolfheze. Like the day before, the gliders
were expected at 10.00 hrs. About half an hour earlier the Pathfinders had marked the
landing zone; were ready for action and started digging in. Shortly after 10.00 hrs the
Pathfinders were fired at by Messerschmidt fighter planes that made several runs across
the fields. No-one got hit.
arrival of the gliders of the Polish Brigade. Because of the increasing German activity
they had to leapfrog section wise from cover to cover through the woods alongside the
railway. The trip through 1 ½ mile of no-man’s land went slowly; before each move a
thorough reconnaissance was necessary. To get to their objective the group used the
culvert under the railroad embankment near Wolfheze. Like the day before, the gliders
were expected at 10.00 hrs. About half an hour earlier the Pathfinders had marked the
landing zone; were ready for action and started digging in. Shortly after 10.00 hrs the
Pathfinders were fired at by Messerschmidt fighter planes that made several runs across
the fields. No-one got hit.
It took until 16:00 hrs for the gliders to arrive. They were welcomed by a hail of German
Flak, machinegun and mortar-fire. The Pathfinders had received orders to get onto the
landing zone to inform the landing troops that they had to get south in the direction of
Oosterbeek instead of east in the direction ofArnhem . At the same time large elements of
4 Para Brigade werewithdrawing in western direction towards Wolfheze. The Germans
started an attack from the north.Under these disastrous chaotic circumstances almost all of
the Polish equipment was destroyed within half an hour.
Flak, machinegun and mortar-fire. The Pathfinders had received orders to get onto the
landing zone to inform the landing troops that they had to get south in the direction of
Oosterbeek instead of east in the direction of
4 Para Brigade werewithdrawing in western direction towards Wolfheze. The Germans
started an attack from the north.Under these disastrous chaotic circumstances almost all of
the Polish equipment was destroyed within half an hour.
Many of the Poles were killed, wounded or captured. The remaining Poles joined the units
around the landing zone. During a lull in the German attacks the Pathfinders withdrew in the
direction of the railway. There they waited until the entire 4 Para Brigade had passed to the
south side of the railway. Then they crossed the railway themselves and moved in eastern
direction through the woods between Wolfheze and Oosterbeek. At dusk they arrived at the
new positions of the company around a house called “Ommershof”
(see No 3 platoon and HQ).
around the landing zone. During a lull in the German attacks the Pathfinders withdrew in the
direction of the railway. There they waited until the entire 4 Para Brigade had passed to the
south side of the railway. Then they crossed the railway themselves and moved in eastern
direction through the woods between Wolfheze and Oosterbeek. At dusk they arrived at the
new positions of the company around a house called “Ommershof”
(see No 3 platoon and HQ).
2ND platoon, DROPzone V FIELDS NEAR warnsborn west of arnhem
This drop zone was not available because it was still in an area that was in hands of the
Germans. The members of 2nd platoon soon ended up with the units of the 156th and
10th battalion preparing to attack the “Lichtenbeek” height, east of “Dreijense weg”.
There was not much progress. The battalions were not able to break through the German
defence-line and cross the Dreijenseweg. The second platoon moved back to Oosterbeek
and later that afternoon tried to get the attention of the incoming planes by using a
Eureka beacon and ground panels. They even placed a beacon on a water tower
at Zonneheuvelweg.
Germans. The members of 2nd platoon soon ended up with the units of the 156th and
10th battalion preparing to attack the “Lichtenbeek” height, east of “Dreijense weg”.
There was not much progress. The battalions were not able to break through the German
defence-line and cross the Dreijenseweg. The second platoon moved back to Oosterbeek
and later that afternoon tried to get the attention of the incoming planes by using a
at Zonneheuvelweg.
Helpless they had to see how the planes, through a hail of fire, tried to drop their supplies
over enemy held territory. All attempts to have the pilots and dispatchers drop the supplies
earlier had no effect. They were under orders to ignore any signals or instructions from the
ground. Almost all of the supplies fell into enemy hands. When the last airplanes were gone
the 2nd platoon withdrew to the new positions of the 21st company in and around the house
over enemy held territory. All attempts to have the pilots and dispatchers drop the supplies
earlier had no effect. They were under orders to ignore any signals or instructions from the
ground. Almost all of the supplies fell into enemy hands. When the last airplanes were gone
the 2nd platoon withdrew to the new positions of the 21st company in and around the house
3rd platoon and HQ oosterbeek
During the day the enemy forces came closer and closer to the positions of the 21st
company around the house “Paulastichting”. The CO Major Wilson decided to move
their position in southern direction. The house “Ommershof” was on a piece of higher
ground which gave a much better view of the surrounding terrain. The enemy would have
to attack uphill, across the road and over a fence.The Pathfinders in their 2 man foxholes
had an excellent field of fire. Their positions were strengthened by 30 men of the
4th Parachute Field Squadron RE under command of captain Faulkner Brown (OBE, MC)
and 60 glider pilots under command of major Jackson (DFC, Silver Star). As mentioned
before,the 2nd platoon joined the company during the day and the
1st platoon arrived at dusk.
company around the house “Paulastichting”. The CO Major Wilson decided to move
their position in southern direction. The house “Ommershof” was on a piece of higher
ground which gave a much better view of the surrounding terrain. The enemy would have
to attack uphill, across the road and over a fence.The Pathfinders in their 2 man foxholes
had an excellent field of fire. Their positions were strengthened by 30 men of the
4th Parachute Field Squadron RE under command of captain Faulkner Brown (OBE, MC)
and 60 glider pilots under command of major Jackson (DFC, Silver Star). As mentioned
before,the 2nd platoon joined the company during the day and the
1st platoon arrived at dusk.
End of the third day
It had been a heavy day and in turns the men were on guard or tried to get some sleep.
It was to be the last day the company would be executing their official task, the marking
of landing and drop zones. After this day all landing and drop zones were completely in
German hands. It became clear that the drop zone for the Polish Brigade could not
be reached because the Pathfinders were not able to move to the south side of the river
where this drop zone was planned. The 21st Independent Parachute Company had
become part of the northern boundary of the Oosterbeek perimeter.
It was to be the last day the company would be executing their official task, the marking
of landing and drop zones. After this day all landing and drop zones were completely in
German hands. It became clear that the drop zone for the Polish Brigade could not
be reached because the Pathfinders were not able to move to the south side of the river
where this drop zone was planned. The 21st Independent Parachute Company had
become part of the northern boundary of the Oosterbeek perimeter.
Wednesday september 20th /Thursday 21st, 1944
the fourth and fifth day
During these two days the Pathfinders defended themselves around the house “Ommershof”
They beat off many German attacks and were subject to several mortar and “nebelwerfer”
bombardments. The allied named these “moaning minnies” because of the howling sound
when this multiple barrelled gun was fired.
They beat off many German attacks and were subject to several mortar and “nebelwerfer”
bombardments. The allied named these “moaning minnies” because of the howling sound
when this multiple barrelled gun was fired.
On Thursday there was an incident that has been subject to many stories, fact and
speculation. Later it was called the “killing field incident”. The killing field was an open
field on the left flank(west side) of the positions around “Ommershof”. Across this field the
Germans had attacked the company several times. To do so they had to move up a
slope and over a fence. These attacks were beaten off time after time and the Germans
suffered heavy casualties. At some stage the Germans installed loud-speakers and tried to
persuade the British to surrender.
speculation. Later it was called the “killing field incident”. The killing field was an open
field on the left flank(west side) of the positions around “Ommershof”. Across this field the
Germans had attacked the company several times. To do so they had to move up a
slope and over a fence. These attacks were beaten off time after time and the Germans
suffered heavy casualties. At some stage the Germans installed loud-speakers and tried to
persuade the British to surrender.
The reports and stories about the incident are confused and sometimes contradictory.
There was a moment when the Germans shouted something about surrender. Who was
going to surrender to whom was not clear. One of the German speaking corporals called
out to the Germans to show themselves. The Germans did show themselves and walked
hesitant and carefully in the direction of the British lines. No-one fired a shot.
All of the sudden Bren guns in the positions of the glider pilots opened up and everybody
did the same. There was a true slaughter amongst the Germans who were out in the open
field and all of them went down. Killed, wounded or looking for cover.
The Germans did not attackacross that field anymore.
There was a moment when the Germans shouted something about surrender. Who was
going to surrender to whom was not clear. One of the German speaking corporals called
out to the Germans to show themselves. The Germans did show themselves and walked
hesitant and carefully in the direction of the British lines. No-one fired a shot.
All of the sudden Bren guns in the positions of the glider pilots opened up and everybody
did the same. There was a true slaughter amongst the Germans who were out in the open
field and all of them went down. Killed, wounded or looking for cover.
The Germans did not attackacross that field anymore.
On Thursday-night, due to the increased activity of German armoured vehicles, the position
was strengthened by the arrival of two six pounder antitank guns and a mortar section.
was strengthened by the arrival of two six pounder antitank guns and a mortar section.
On Thursday Corporal Nick Carter placed a Eureka beacon on the roof of the
Hartenstein Hotel. The supply drop-zone had been moved to the lawn across the road near
the hotel (where the monument is now). Despite the beacon and the brave work of the
RAF crews and dispatchers only a very limited part of the supplies was dropped within the
British lines. After the drops the beacon was left on the roof for later use.
Sergeant Patterson was sent to Hartenstein to operate it at later occasions.
Hartenstein Hotel. The supply drop-zone had been moved to the lawn across the road near
the hotel (where the monument is now). Despite the beacon and the brave work of the
RAF crews and dispatchers only a very limited part of the supplies was dropped within the
British lines. After the drops the beacon was left on the roof for later use.
Sergeant Patterson was sent to Hartenstein to operate it at later occasions.
Friday september 22nd 1944 the sixth day
Thursday night divisional HQ decided that the perimeter had to be made smaller and that
the units defending it had to be repositioned. During the night at 01.00 hrs the company
was moved to its new positions. In a pitch black night they walked in single file holding the
tails of each others smocks to keep together and not get lost. The company was given new
positions in several houses around the crossroads Utrechtseweg/Stationsweg (zie map 2).
Company HQ was set up in the house of doctor van Maanen at Pietersbergseweg 16.
the units defending it had to be repositioned. During the night at 01.00 hrs the company
was moved to its new positions. In a pitch black night they walked in single file holding the
tails of each others smocks to keep together and not get lost. The company was given new
positions in several houses around the crossroads Utrechtseweg/Stationsweg (zie map 2).
Company HQ was set up in the house of doctor van Maanen at Pietersbergseweg 16.
The first platoon occupied the houses at numbers 2,4, and
8 on Stationsweg.
The second platoon occupied the houses at numbers
186, 188, 190, 192 and 194 on Utrechtseweg.
The third platoon occupied the houses on 32, 34, 38 Pietersbergweg and
15,17, 19, 21, 23, 25Paasberg.
15,17, 19, 21, 23, 25Paasberg.
At a later stage the house at 153 and 155 Utrechtseweg were occupied by
the Pathfinders as well.
the Pathfinders as well.
saturday september 23rd untill Monday 25th 1944
the seventh eights and nineth day
The positions that were occupied the previous day are the ones where the Pathfinders
would find until the final day of the battle for the perimeter. It turned out to be heavy days
and nights. The Germans increased the pressure with permanent attacks, heavy mortar and
artillery bombardments and sniper fire. The number of engaged tanks, self propelled guns
and armoured vehicles grew larger every day.Several Pathfinders got killed, wounded or
captured. Soon it was no longer a matter of a clear, coherent front line. The houses,
occupied by platoons or sections were like islands from where a part of the surroundings
was controlled. The streets were no mans land and while moving from one position to
another one would never know if one would meet friend or foe. The front line was fluid all
the time. Houses changed sides sometimes several times a day. At stages British and
Germans even occupied different parts or floors of the same house for a short while.
would find until the final day of the battle for the perimeter. It turned out to be heavy days
and nights. The Germans increased the pressure with permanent attacks, heavy mortar and
artillery bombardments and sniper fire. The number of engaged tanks, self propelled guns
and armoured vehicles grew larger every day.Several Pathfinders got killed, wounded or
captured. Soon it was no longer a matter of a clear, coherent front line. The houses,
occupied by platoons or sections were like islands from where a part of the surroundings
was controlled. The streets were no mans land and while moving from one position to
another one would never know if one would meet friend or foe. The front line was fluid all
the time. Houses changed sides sometimes several times a day. At stages British and
Germans even occupied different parts or floors of the same house for a short while.
Control over the area was kept not only by fields of fire from the houses but by patrolling
as well. During the night of 25th/26th September 1944 the remnants of the division were
to be withdrawn across the riverRhine . The way to the river went past the Oosterbeek
Old Church to the fields at the side of the river. The Pathfinders were to assemble at 21.00
hrs that night. Silence was crucial so their shoes were wrapped in pieces of blanket to
prevent any noise. Equipment was secured so that it could not rattle. The password for that
night was “John Bull”. One of the captured Germans insisted on going along across
the river. He was tired of the war and wanted to stay alive to see his family with 6 children
once more. He went along to the river but it is not known if he made it across.
as well. During the night of 25th/26th September 1944 the remnants of the division were
to be withdrawn across the river
hrs that night. Silence was crucial so their shoes were wrapped in pieces of blanket to
prevent any noise. Equipment was secured so that it could not rattle. The password for that
night was “John Bull”. One of the captured Germans insisted on going along across
the river. He was tired of the war and wanted to stay alive to see his family with 6 children
once more. He went along to the river but it is not known if he made it across.
The Pathfinders were going to leave as a company and gathered in a cabbage field.
At 21.00 hrs XXX corps started a heavy bombardment around the edges of the perimeter
to cover up the retreat of the airbornes. It was a dark and rainy night. At 21.25 the order
to leave came and their withdrawal started. Like a snake the column moved silently
through the night, men holding the flaps of the smock of the man in front. Close to the river
the company ran into a German machine gun position that opened fire. After a short
fire-fight the strong point was put out of action using hand-grenades.
At 21.00 hrs XXX corps started a heavy bombardment around the edges of the perimeter
to cover up the retreat of the airbornes. It was a dark and rainy night. At 21.25 the order
to leave came and their withdrawal started. Like a snake the column moved silently
through the night, men holding the flaps of the smock of the man in front. Close to the river
the company ran into a German machine gun position that opened fire. After a short
fire-fight the strong point was put out of action using hand-grenades.
Several men, including Major Wilson ,
got wounded.In the fields south of the
Old Church the Pathfinders joined the
queue of men waiting to be evacuated.
The waiting men were under constant
mortar and artillery fire.Men got across
in the boats that were used for the
evacuation but some swam to the other
side. Some didn’t make it and ended
up as prisoners of war.
got wounded.In the fields south of the
queue of men waiting to be evacuated.
The waiting men were under constant
mortar and artillery fire.Men got across
in the boats that were used for the
evacuation but some swam to the other
side. Some didn’t make it and ended
up as prisoners of war.
A total of 15 members of the company
got killed in action during the battle for
Arnhem . 5 members died of wounds
sustained during the battle on a later date.
A number of 24 got wounded and
most prisoner. 29 members were missing
got killed in action during the battle for
sustained during the battle on a later date.
A number of 24 got wounded and
most prisoner. 29 members were missing
in action or prisoner of war. This makes up for a total of 73 of the 186 that left
from England . This is a little more than one third of the company.
For comparison, the entire division lost three quarters of its strength. Unique about
the 21st IPC during the entire battle they fought as a coherent unit with its own identity.
They had more than shown their fighting spirit by standing up to a much larger force with
an enormous fire-power and not being defeated.
The battle for Arnhem Bridge was over. In the “Paasbergschool”, which the last few days
had been defended by the Pathfinders, someone had written on the blackboard:
had been defended by the Pathfinders, someone had written on the blackboard:
“We’ll be back”
JONES, James A.
LANDON, Walter
MARTIN, Dennis B.
MAY, Maurice L.
PHILPOT, Albert E.
FIELY, James V.
DUNBAR, Thomas M.
Served as John P. Rodley
Served as Bleach, NKG
HART, John E.
1st Border
ROBERTS, Kenneth
HILLIER, Francis J.
SWALLOW, Benjamin C.
Transcript of the letter sent to CO Major Wilson by Gen “Browning,
shortly after returning to England .
From Lieut-Gen. F. A. M. Browning, C.B., D.S.O.
Headquarters British Airborne Corps, B.L.A., 27th September 1944.
“Dear Major Wilson,
I have heard on every side how outstandingly your company has done. To have
earned this special praise from such a gallant body can only mean one thing
- that your unit is unsurpassed by any other in the world.
Please tell your chaps what a terrific reputation they have earned.
Yours ever, “
Major. B. Wilson, M.C.,
21 Indep. Para . Coy.
Literature and websites:
“First in” – Ron Kent
“Leading the way to Arnhem ” – Peter Gijbels & David Truesdale
“Arnhem 1944” – Martin Middlebrook
“Ten Commando” – Ian Dear
“The Cauldron” – Zeno
“Tugs and Gliders to Arnhem ” – Arie Jan van Hees
“Green on” – Arie Jan van Hees
“Silent Invader” – Alexander Morrison
“The History of the Glider Pilot Regiment” – Claude Smith
“De slag om Arnhem” – R.E. Urquhart
“De slag om de Ginkelse Heide” – C.E.H.J. Verhoef
Excursion guide Bicycle tour Airborne Museum/VVAM 19??
Excursion guide Lonsdale Force Airborne Museum/VVAM 2006
[1] Each platoon carried part of this equipment threefold and spread over several planes to make up for possible loss.
[2] Flugzeug Abwehr Kanone.
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